at last the day has come....mlm nie kiter nk btolak ker PULAU PERHENTIAN...tak sabarnyer.....
as ussual, bile nk cuti jer keje tiba2 jer semester will be on dis coming 28 July...this monday..imagine, student nk masuk semester baru lecturer pg bcuti...hahahah
i can manage everything...well...class preparation dh settle, keje lain jer yg tak settle lagi, tapi kalo nk tunggu keje settle sampai biler2 pun nk bole nk bcuti...
PULAU we come!!!!:)
I love my past. I love my present. I’m creating a plan for my future and start living my DREAMS...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
mlm smlm dpt call dr ayah kat cherating, dia conduct course kat sana, suruh kiter n mak lawat tok cik biah kat hospital....anak dia call ayah ckp dia tgh tenat. tapi mak plak tak sehat, so end up kiteorg anak beranak tertido dpn tv. kul 12 lebih ayah call lagi, kiter tgh syok ttido nie dh rasa cam tak best jer...
innalilla hiwainnahirojiun...tok cik dh meninggal kul 11.30 td. pg td gie lawat, 1st time tgh org mandi jenazah n kapan jenazah...real..depan mata...
betul lah org kata, org baik2 nie tuhan bg ganjaran kat dunia lagi...meninggal hari jumaat, sama mcm arwah tok tak n arwah wan, keje penebumian pun mudah jer.
hhhmmmm...semoga Allah mencucuri roh Tok Cik Biah dan menempatknnya bersama orang2 yg solih....amin.
innalilla hiwainnahirojiun...tok cik dh meninggal kul 11.30 td. pg td gie lawat, 1st time tgh org mandi jenazah n kapan jenazah...real..depan mata...
betul lah org kata, org baik2 nie tuhan bg ganjaran kat dunia lagi...meninggal hari jumaat, sama mcm arwah tok tak n arwah wan, keje penebumian pun mudah jer.
hhhmmmm...semoga Allah mencucuri roh Tok Cik Biah dan menempatknnya bersama orang2 yg solih....amin.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
All da BEST to Me..!!
at last i manage to made my mind...perhaps my decision is the best decision. insyaallah tak menyesal...bole further master asap, takderlah postpone for another 2 years. at that time I'll turn 28, biler plak nk kawen???heheh...tapi ksian k eda..dia mcm...hhhmmmmm....mcm tak bestlah jugak kn...hopefully she will understand n everything will be just fine. tapi tak bg tau boss lagi psal nie...
"i don't want to loss a good people like you"..really inspired :)n maybe that is one of the thing that make me stay here. all the best to me.
"i don't want to loss a good people like you"..really inspired :)n maybe that is one of the thing that make me stay here. all the best to me.

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