tiba-tiba tergerak plak nak update blog malam nie..ok...ok...kiter bersihkan sawang2 dulu..hhehe...maklumlah sbb dh hampir 6 bulan tak masuk blog kiter nie...sadis kan...huhu
baru-baru nie time buat 5S kat bilik, kiter belek2 la satu kertas kuning..siap ada chop mohor..
kertas tue tulis:
Senate, with the authority vested in it,hereby confers THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE (FINANCE) upon [nama kiter] with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. Sealed on this Thirty First of October, Two Thousand and Ten
Its my master scroll.. tak sangka dh hampir setahun kiter grad..n yess..itu antara pencapaian kiter yg sgt best. kiter mmg bertungkus lumus belajar, siang kejer mlm stay up study n siapkn assignment, byk weekend2 yg kiter korbankan utk siapkn assignment n pg kelas, byk jugak masa dgn kwn2 n bff yg terpaksa kena cut off, kiter naik turun bas ktn-kl, stay hotel sorg2, n byk lagila kalo nk kira2. tak termasuk budget utk shopping yg jugak kena cut off sbb nk beli tiket bas n byar sewa hotel. pada kiter tempoh setahun setengah kiter study tue bukan stakat ajar kiter utk dpt master tp lbih dr tue...i challenged myself to be more independent, to do most of the things on my own n simpan sorang2. berdiri di atas kaki sendiri..!!! n i'm so PROUD with myself. clap...clap...

TAPI....biler tgk scroll tue tiba2 kiter terfikir..WHAT HAVE I DONE DURING THIS 1 YEAR PERIOD???? WHAT HAVE I DONE WITH THE SCROLL??? n yg lagi best..WHAT I GET FROM HAVING THAT SCROLL?? takkan sekadar naik gaji jer? whats next? sampai sekarang pun kiter masih berpikir.
hhhmmm....am i losing my track???!!!
kena bangun dan berlari pantas rasanya...!!!