since my last posting at last, i manage to free myself to update my blog...hmmm...what a hectic life....hehehe
trip to perhentian held on 25 July 2008. almost a month ago...ahli2 rombongan dis time lain sket, yg biasa ayu, sene n radi...yg lainnyer byot, ecah n hilmi (mamat poyo..heheh)
dis time trip naik bas jer...minyak dh naik kena berjimat cermat....sampai k tganu pukul 3 am...pastu kena tunggu driver kitaorg...hilmi...mamat nie punyala poyo, eiiii tak tau nk ckp mcm mana...tak pernah jumpa mamat sepoyo nie...bayangkan lah dr k tganu sampai besut sepatah pun tak bercakap ngan kiter n ayu...yg bestnyer satu jer...dia ada HONDA CRV...hahahahah
bot kat kuala besut. speed bot to tioman n redang, this bot was the worst...ombak tak lah kuat sgt tapi sbb open speed boat, melambung yg amat...sorry to my buts...heheh
chalet kitaorg AYUNMI 2 and half star..tak lah sehebat PANUBA INN TIOMAN dulu...kat sini electric bukan 24 hours, thari n ptg takder electric. so kluar dr pg sampai ptg duduk kat laut jer lah...lucky cuaca tak panas sgt...
trip snorkelling esoknyer, we went to 4 snorkelling spot, shark point and turtle point and 2 spot for coral view, (forgot the name already).
snorkelling instructor baik hati dia bwak kitaorg melawat tempat penetasan anak penyu n air tawar...(ingatkn nama snorkelling point rupanya mata air kat tepi pantai)..sumber air bersih utk bot2 nelayan...bolela kiteorg mandi2...sejuk giler air kat situ...
paling tak bole lupa, experience snorkelling atas turtle...amazed giler...i even can touch the was bigger than myself..mmg takkan lupa sampai biler2...
next spot was the shark point...lucky for us sbb dh lama pusing2 dlm air tue at last terserempak jugak dgn yg dicari...MR SHARK...ingatkn baby shark rupanya ayah shark...besar..maybe same size with myself..time carik2 tue excited giler, biler dh jumpa berdegup jugak jantung...dh lah shark tue siap pusing arah kitaorg...nasib baik selamat balik....alhamdullilah...hehehehe
nampak tak shark dlm gambar nie????carik betul2....nie pun instructor tue yg dive ambikkan gambar...
mlm mcm biasa bbq...tup2 abg pulau nie bwak citer, rupanyer a tourist died at the shark point during morning trip..hhmmm...tapi bukanla sbb shark, heart attack ...according to that abang lah...
thanks to abang pulau sbb bwak kitaorg tgk pasir biru kat tepi pantai during our last nite (radi n me). it's not really pasir actually but more like blue jelly in the sand that glow in the dark.Awesome ..they said we can only find it at pulau perhentian n thanks also sbb tlg carikan pasir yg cantik utk kiter tambah collection botol pasir pantai.according to plan out boat the next day should be early morning...tapi semua tak puas tukar naik boat kul activity berkayak n bersantai atas pelampung sambil makan mars n twisties....

trip kali nie best because of the snorkelling trip yg best...jumpa TURTLE N SHARK...suka sggggttttt....coral cantik lagi kat tioman rasanyer....but no bad...
pastu bawak balik parut kat lutut sbb langgar coral...seminggu gatal2...sampai hari nie tak hilang lagi...sena kena lagi teruk siap kluar air lagi...eiiiyeerrrkkk
lpas nie nk kumpul duit ambik diving license lah...bole jumpa shark lebih dekat lagi...eye to eye...heheheheh